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Artillery in the colonies 1914 [сообщение #57983] пт, 22 июня 2018 08:29
Сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: июня 2018
Географическое положение: newyork

There are numerous references, both in written accounts and in photos, of the types of artillery in the German colonies when the war began in 1914. Clearly, those most commonly noted are 3,7 (1#) Krupp QF Feldkanon, 3,7 cm (1#) Hotchkiss Revolverkanon, and 7 cm (11#) Krupp C73 Feldkanon.Numbers for DOA appear to be fifteen 3,7 (but how many FK vs RK), and seven C73, as well as at least two 4,7 cm (3#) [GebK or FK?] and two 6 cm (7#) GebK [although I thought there were eight]. Numbers for Kamerun include two 3,7 "QF" (RK or FK?), one 6 cm GebK, two 7 cm C73 and 4 9 cm C73. I have no clue for DSWA or Togo.

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